Well, many days passed since my last post, I was busy and lazy too! I made my portfolio on deviantart, take a look: http://bambolavoodoo.daportfolio.com ♥
Recently I made many new drawings, and I have others in my notebook to do! I'm also writing a story inspired by another weird dream that I made days ago, if I develope it in a good way I will do the comics in the future. Cheers to all the people that comes in this blog and in my other pages, I'm always happy to know people which apreciate my works. :)
Al Centro Dell'Attenzione
Strana Quiete
Flying Cat
venerdì 17 luglio 2009
Pubblicato da Voodoo Dolly alle 20:33 1 commenti
martedì 30 giugno 2009
I've discovered a wonderful site about surreal artists full of beautiful pictures and worlds, I highly recommend to visit it: http://beinart.org/index.php
I'm also planning to send them a book with my works, I'd like to take part of this site!
Pubblicato da Voodoo Dolly alle 16:46 0 commenti
lunedì 29 giugno 2009
Finally I'm on vacation, but obviously my imagination continues to work. :D
Il Giardiniere (The Gardener)
I made this drawing yesterday at night, listening to the "end credits" of the film Coraline, which I loved soooo much. ♥
Pubblicato da Voodoo Dolly alle 00:44 5 commenti
lunedì 22 giugno 2009
Wow, 20 minutes ago there was the sun outside my window, and now it's all grey...maybe it will rain for my pleasure. Today I'll post a tribute to Tolkien (the writer which I'll love eternally together with E.A. Poe), because just yesterday I've finished an Illustration that took to me many days and dedication, entitled "The Hatred of Morgoth":
I'm sorry about the not so good quality of the image, but my scanner was too small to take this big picture, so I've made some photos with my digital camera which lightens the image a little (due to the use of flash). Here there is another photo that looks better than the entire picture, where you can see the real colors and the three Silmarils that the Dark Lord wears on his elm.
Wednesday I'll carry this and other older works to school because it is the last day, and some teachers will analyze all the works I made during this year...finally deserved vacations! :D
And meanwhile the sky turns darker and the wind rages...
Pubblicato da Voodoo Dolly alle 17:09 0 commenti
mercoledì 17 giugno 2009
Watching The Moon
Spesso capita che scarabocchiando davanti al pc con della buona musica alle orecchie esca qualche idea che poi traduco in disegno, in questo caso tutto è nato da una luna con la faccia simpatica disegnata su un foglio pieno di altre 1000 cose!
Doodling in front of pc with some good music often inspires me some good ideas, this was the case of a smiling moon drawed on a paper between other thousand things!
Pubblicato da Voodoo Dolly alle 23:04 2 commenti
martedì 16 giugno 2009
Welcome in the spook house!
Un saluto ai bloggers che per caso capitino in questo blog! Come è scritto anche nella colonna di destra ho deciso di aprire questa pagina per raccogliere i miei lavori, fumetti e illustrazioni, e anche per parlare di altri artisti che apprezzo in particolar modo. Infatti sto studiando per diventare fumettista ed illustratrice, dato che il disegno è e sarà sempre la mia passione principale insieme alla musica. Ho deciso di scrivere questo blog sia nella mia lingua madre che in inglese, sperando che la versione tradotta non sia piena di troppi errori clamorosi! Ma venendo al dunque ho deciso di aprire il blog con dei fumetti che ho concluso in questi giorni: il primo riguarda un gatto nero cattivissimo che causa un'esplosione atomica, e gli altri riguardano una ragazza che vaga in una foresta oscura e misteriosa alla ricerca di un posto segreto.
Hi to all the bloggers that comes in this blog! As I say on the right column I've decided to open this page to gather my works, comics and illustrations, and even to talk about other artists which I apreciate. In fact, I'm studying to become a cartoonist and an illustratress, since drawing was and will always be my main passion with music. To all english readers I've to apologize for eventual errors in my grammar, I hope that my english is not totally wrong!
I start this page with some comics I've done in these days: the first image is about an evil black cat that causes an atomic explosion, and the others are about a girl that wanders in a dark forest searching for a secret place.
Wandering In The Forest 1-2
Pubblicato da Voodoo Dolly alle 16:19 2 commenti